Sunday, March 13, 2011

Katja's fashion advice for this spring: A soft blazer in light gray and lots of accessories and tee's and tops in the colour "blush"!
I normally don't blog about fashion - there are plenty of blogs for that, but occasionally my new jewelry designs happen due to new trends. The powder/blush/coral trend is one of them. I have been pouring over the spring fashion magazines in order to find the newest trends and one of them seems to be the soft fabric trend. Watch out for pants and tops in flowy fabrics and, as mentioned above, the soft jackets. Even soft fabric biker jackets are arriving in the stores.
Coral is always in, but this year the hues extend to "blush" and "powder". Alone, they are a bit, ehem, boring. But paired with a few punchy other items, things are starting to look quite wearable.